Bringing the light of the Gospel to those in the dark.

What is the percentage of evangelical Christians in Europe?

Are all these born again? Sadly, no. We must preach the Gospel to the nations!

Albania 0.6 %, Andorra 1.4 %, Armenia 9.3 %, Austria 0.6 %, Belarus 1.7 %, Belgium 1.5 %, Bosnia-Herzegovina 0.1 %, Bulgaria 2.0 %, Croatia 0.4 %, Cyprus 1.3 %, Czechia 0.7 %, Denmark 3.6 %, Estonia 4.7 %, Faroe Islands 33.0 %, Finland 10.2 %, France 1.2 %, Georgia 1.4 %, Germany 2.1 %, Gibraltar 2.2 %, Greece 0.5 %, Hungary 3.1 %, Iceland 4.5 %, Ireland 1.6 %, Isle of Man 7.8 %, Italy 1.5 %, Kosovo 0.2 %, Latvia 7.4 %, Liechtenstein 0.6 %, Lithuania 1.4 %, Luxembourg 1.0 %, Malta 1.6 %, Moldova 4.6 %, Monaco 1.3 %, Montenegro 0.3 %, Netherlands 4.0 %, North Macedonia 0.2 %, Norway 8.0 %, Poland 0.3 %, Portugal 3.5 %, Romania 6.3 %, San Marino 0.1 %, Serbia 0.7 %, Slovakia 1.5 %, Slovenia 0.2 %, Spain 1.6 %, Svalbard 6.6 %, Sweden 5.7 %, Switzerland 4.0 %, Ukraine 3.6 %, United Kingdom 7.6 %, Vatican City 2.5 %,

Albania 0.6 %, Andorra 1.4 %, Armenia 9.3 %, Austria 0.6 %, Belarus 1.7 %, Belgium 1.5 %, Bosnia-Herzegovina 0.1 %, Bulgaria 2.0 %, Croatia 0.4 %, Cyprus 1.3 %, Czechia 0.7 %, Denmark 3.6 %, Estonia 4.7 %, Faroe Islands 33.0 %, Finland 10.2 %, France 1.2 %, Georgia 1.4 %, Germany 2.1 %, Gibraltar 2.2 %, Greece 0.5 %, Hungary 3.1 %, Iceland 4.5 %, Ireland 1.6 %, Isle of Man 7.8 %, Italy 1.5 %, Kosovo 0.2 %, Latvia 7.4 %, Liechtenstein 0.6 %, Lithuania 1.4 %, Luxembourg 1.0 %, Malta 1.6 %, Moldova 4.6 %, Monaco 1.3 %, Montenegro 0.3 %, Netherlands 4.0 %, North Macedonia 0.2 %, Norway 8.0 %, Poland 0.3 %, Portugal 3.5 %, Romania 6.3 %, San Marino 0.1 %, Serbia 0.7 %, Slovakia 1.5 %, Slovenia 0.2 %, Spain 1.6 %, Svalbard 6.6 %, Sweden 5.7 %, Switzerland 4.0 %, Ukraine 3.6 %, United Kingdom 7.6 %, Vatican City 2.5 %,

Europe needs Jesus. Again.

Percentage of Evangelical Christianity VS. Population

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Percentage of Europe as a whole VS Evangelical Population

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Reached People Groups of Europe VS Unreached People Groups of Europe

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